"艰 辛求学路"图 片展

The Bumpy Road to School
"Reaching Out to Impoverished Children in China" Photo Exhibition

espite China's phenomenal economic growth, each year more than 4,000,000 children drop out of elementary schools and junior high schools simply because of poverty.  Most of these children are in remote rural and/or mountainous regions that are left behind in China’s economic growth.  Many are from single-parent families or families with chronically sick parents.  Some are orphans.
These children deserve a better chance and need our help.  How can we help them?
You are invited to a photo exhibition, “The Bumpy Road to School – Reaching Out to Impoverished Children in China” presented by Overseas China Education Foundation (www.ocef.org). The exhibition includes hundreds of photos that one seldom sees on CNN or in New York Times.   Taken by OCEF volunteers from the most remote and poorest regions in China, the photos vividly illustrate the difficulties facing these children and how a little help goes a long way to changing their lives.

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然中国大陆近年来取得令世人瞩目的经济成就,但全国每年仍有约四佰万学龄儿童因家庭贫困而 辍学。此类家庭大多处于各偏远省 份经济不发达的山区或农村,土地贫瘠,交通资讯条件极为落后,及人民教育程度普遍低下等诸 多不利因素大大制约了当地经济之发展。这些学童的父母终日操劳, 也仅能勉强谋得家庭温饱;对子女之教育求学,纵使有心,实为无力。而各级政府虽未忽视此问 题且加以财政投入,但由于种种复杂原因,学童失学情况未见改善多 少。

外中国教育基金会(http://www.ocef.org) 此次举办的艰辛求学路图片展,收集了数百张由基金会义工于近期走访这些贫困地区中所获得真实一手资料,其来之实 为不易,更难见诸于大陆或海外媒体。图 片展中亦有对海外中国教育基金会这一由新一代留学生所自发成立  以 筹集资金援助中国贫困地区的教育事业为宗旨的非盈利性组 织之运作现况所作的相关介绍及报导。欢 迎诸位分享!